Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mending Wall - Robert Frost

In this poem, the poet tries to bring out the acceptance of conventions of the previous generation i.e. “Good fences make Good neighbours”. He wants to show how people still believe in the old customs and live in dark. The poet says “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”. The Two things which are not allowing the wall to stand there, it may the spring season and the hunters.
The author Frost damages the wall and there occurs gap between the walls that even two can pass through. The gap is more widened by the hunters when they try to chase the rabbits between these gaps. No one has seen or heard that who has done this. But, during spring we can find gaps between the walls. The poet one day met neighbour and they decided to set the wall once again. They decided to pick the stone of their side to fix the wall. Sometimes the stone look like a ball sometimes it becomes shapeless. The poet says that some magic is to be used to make the stone. Stand as it is and we should say ‘Stay where you are until our backs are turned”. Their hands have become rough because of the stone. Each time they pick stones from their side looks as if they are playing an outdoor game. Sometimes they try to fix the stone in the wall where it is not required also.
The poet had an apple orchard and his neighbour had pine tree. The poet is asking that his apple trees are not going to eat up his neighbour’s pine tree then why should he built up a wall between them. It is because the neighbor believes in his father saying that “Good fences make good neighbours”. The poet tries to advice his neighbour that he does not have cows that his cows will eat up the neighbour’s pine tree but his neighbour is not ready to change his mind. The poet wants to ask about walling out and says that it is the Elves which does not like a wall.
The neighbour too believes it though the poet knew that it is the nature not the Elves which does not love a wall. The poet sees him holding stones in each hand like an old Stone savage trying to mend the wall. He moves in darkness and in the shades of the tree. It is sure that he will not go behind his father’s saying that “Good fences make good neighbours”. Thus the poet says that his mind is so dark that he is not able to change his attitude.


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